Selected Talks
- KITP Blackboard Lecture, Body-Mind Problem in Neuro-Physics of Locomotion, August 2022. Link: youtube
- Plenary Lecture, SIAM conference on the Life Sciences, 2020
- Banff Workshop on 'Optimal Neuroethology of Movement and Motor Control', 2019
- KITP Program on 'Neural Computations for Sensory Navigation', 2018
- Newton Institute Program on ''Growth, Form, and Self-Organization', 2017
- Brooke Benjamin Lecture, Mathematics, University of Oxford, UK, 2017
- HHMI Janelia, Insect Navigation Workshop, 2016
- Keynote Lecture, 11th European Fluid Mechancis Conference, Serville, Spain, 2016
- Plenary Lecture, 10th International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications, Fields Institute, Toronto, 2016
- Keynote Lecture, Fluid Mechanics and Collective Behavior, From Cells to Organisms, ETH, Monte Verita, Switzerland, 2016
- Reese Prosser Memorial Lecture, Mathematics, Dartmouth College, November, 2014
- Public Lecture, Falling Paper and Insect Flight, Science Sundays, Ohio State University, April 2014
- Santa Fe Institute, Gateways to Emergent Behavior in Science and Society, September 2013
- DANSIS Workshop on Animals in Fluid Motion, September, Denmark, 2013
- Invited Lectures, Complex Motions in Fluids, DTU Summer School, Denmark, August 4-10, 2013
- Public Lecture, Insects, Computers, and Us, as a part of year-long celebration of Mathematics of Planet Earth, Fields Institute For Research In Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, June 21, 2013
- Plenary talk, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, NJIT, May 2012
- 107th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, New Jersey, May 2012
- Mini-symposium on combining experiments, computation, and models to understand animal locomotion, SICB annual meeting, Charleston, January 2012
- Mini-symposium on Bio-locomotion and Bio-fluid dynamics, Society of Engineering Sciences Annual meeting, Chicago, January 2011
- Mini-symposium 'Women at the Forefront of Applied Mathematics', International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vancouver, BC, July 2011
- Boeing Lecture, Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, May 2011
- National Academy of Engineering's Frontiers of Engineering (US-EU), Cambridge, England, September 2010
- Keynote talk, Dynamics Days Europe, Bristol, England, September 2010
- Joint Physics and Fields Institute Colloquium, University of Toronto, March 2010
- Invited Lecture, Technical University of Denmark Summer School, Denmark, August 2009
- Gordon Conference, Nonlinear Dynamics, Mount Holyoke, July 2009
- Chaos/Chaox Conference (20th anniversary), National Academy of Science's Conference Center, Woods Hole June 2009
- Frontiers in Science, Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, April 2009
- Bertman Memorial Lecture, Physics Graduation, Wesleyan University, April 2009
- ICTAM International Congress, Adelaide, Australia, August 2008
- Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Marseille, France, July 2008
- Neuromechanics of Locomotion, Mathematical Biology Institute, Ohio State University, April 2008
- Invited Lecture, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2007
- A Day of Locomotion, Harvard/Radcliffe, October 2007
- Keynote talk, SIAM Conference on Dynamical System, Snowbird, May 2007
- Invited lecture series (3 talks), CISM (International Center for Mechanical Science), Udine, Italy, September 2006
- IMA new direction courses on biological fluid dynamics, MN, June 2006
- AAAS meeting, Mini-symposium on insect flight, March 2006
- Plenary talk, Prospects of Mathematical Sciences, Academia Sinica at Taipei, December 2005
- Conference on Partial Differential Equations, Hong Kong, December 2005
- Mini-symposium on biological flying and swimming, American Physical Society, Division of Fluids Meeting, November 2005
- Plenary talk, Mt. Baldy Conference on Scientific Computing, CA, November 2005
- Gordon Conference on Nonlinear Sciences, June 2005
- Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, NJIT, May 2005
- Biophysical and Biomechanical Adaptation and Bioinspired Engineering, Caltech, March 2005.
- Invited participant, National Academy of Science's 'Frontiers in Science', Irvine, 2004
- Invited participant, National Academy of Science's and Chinese Academy of Science's 'Frontiers in Science', Shanghai, 2003
- American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal, 2004
- Dynamics Days, Chapel Hill, January 2004
- Keynote talk, US Congress of Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, July 2003
- NSF Distinguished Lecture, Washington DC, 2002
- Dynamics Days, Baltimore, January 2002
- Nonlinear Sciences Festival, Rosclid, Denmark, June 2001
- The Society for Mathematical Biology, Salt Lake City, August 2000
- American Physical Society March Meeting, Minneapolis, March 2000
- IMA workshop on Biofluiddynamics, Minneapolis, January 1999